
Call now! We respond fast for Plumbing repairs in the San Antonio and Boerne Texas areas.

Plumber With Adjustable Wrench In Kitchen RoomDo you have a plumbing emergency? An overflowing toilet, broken water, heater or clogged drains? Looking for a professional plumber? We can help. When you have a problem on your hands, you want to work with San Antonio’s plumbing experts at Caliente Plumbing, Heating & Air. We provide plumbing services in and around San Antonio.

Every home needs to have plumbing that functions properly. This is important for sanitation, fast access to water for cooking and cleaning and everything that goes into a comfortable lifestyle. In order to maintain that lifestyle, there are a few common plumbing issues that need proper care so you don’t wind up with a big problem on your hands. It can be tempting to try and repair plumbing issues yourself. But if you don’t have the experience necessary, this can lead to a very serious issue. But when you trust the experts at Caliente, that doesn’t happen and you will have a fast solution.

Quality Plumbing In San Antonio

When you need a high-quality plumbing job finished, you want someone that understands how to fill the needs of people living in San Antonio. All it takes is a quick call and we’ll quickly dispatch a licensed plumber to your location in the San Antonio area. We know you want to have your problem taken care of the right way — and on your first call. That’s why it is our goal to save you time and money. We can take care of any issue you may have with the water and pipes in your home. This includes the following services.

Do You Have Clogged Drains?

There are a few reasons that your drains can get clogged. Most of them come from normal, everyday use. This can be from things like hair, soap residue, food, oil, etc. Clogs can also be the result of something that comes from outside your home. This would be things like mud and tree roots. Other foreign objects, pipe problems and insufficient gradient are also causes of clogged drains.

This is a difficult situation to remedy on your own. You may be able to remove a blockage that is near the sink. But the rest of the pipe should still be inspected by a professional to ensure that it is clear. Using chemical drain cleaners can also be harmful to your pipes and also your health. If the inspection reveals that you have a collapsed or cracked pipe — don’t worry, we’ll take care of it. No matter what your drainage issue is, we’ve got you covered!

Are You Stuck Taking Cold Showers?

Cold shower womanQuite possibly the most frustrating thing that happens when your water heater goes out is having to take a cold shower. Nobody likes that! A warm shower is something that is easily taken for granted until you can’t do it anymore. Of course that hot water comes from your water heater which is a complex home appliance. So why do they break down?

This can happen because of a loose connection, broken piece in the energy source, or a few other reasons. They should receive servicing from a trained professional. Failure to do so can actually void the warranty on your water heater. This means that a licensed plumber needs to perform the installation, replacement, or necessary repairs. When you are left without hot water, call Caliente Plumbing, Heating & Air and we will get that hot water restored fast!

Is Your Toilet Malfunctioning?

A problem toilet that is not repaired — or repaired incorrectly — can lead to some nasty problems. Otherwise, you can end up with toilet water leaking into your walls and floors. Toilet water that appears to be clear is still very dirty. It may be full of bacteria and more harmful things that would put that water into the level considered “black water”.

Common problems that toilets have are leaks, blockages, running water, and not flushing correctly. These problems are much more than just an annoyance. Expensive damage can be done to your home. Do not let this happen to you. Let us make sure that your toilets are something that you can take for granted because they are always fully operational.

Emergency Plumbing San Antonio and Boerne TX

Call To Schedule Your Plumbing Service

Our team is standing by and ready to assist you with any plumbing issue you may have. Call us today to make an appointment for the finest plumbing services in the San Antonio, TX area. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency services. We provide friendly services and quick solutions. Call (210) 330-3000 to schedule an appointment.

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