Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter In San Antonio

frozen pipe prevention

Preventing frozen pipes in San Antonio isn’t rocket science. But every year, we get a lot of calls from people who had a pipe or two freeze and burst. Preventing this issue is quite easy and it’s even easier if you do it early, while it’s still warm out. Read on and call us if you need a professional plumber to assist you with this simple process!

Prevent Frozen Pipes With Early Prevention!

It’s very important for homeowners in San Antonio to be prepared in protecting their home plumbing system before the first freeze hits to avoid any expensive damages caused by extreme cold temperatures. And winter is here.. it’s inevitable that you’re going to have to do it. It’s either do it now, while it’s still somewhat warm outside, or do it at the last minute, while shivering in 30 degree weather with your fingers going numb from the cold. But either way, get it done!

Here are some easy steps to keep you out of any expensive and troublesome winter plumbing catastrophes at home including frozen, bursting pipes or spigots:

Disconnect all outdoor garden hoses – unattach them from outdoor faucets or spigots.
Make sure to disconnect garden hoses from all of your exterior faucets before the temperature reaches freezing. If you leave hoses out in the cold, the residual water, which can go up the pipes, will freeze inside, and lead to frozen pipes. During San Antonio’s winter, drain water from hoses and spigots and store your hoses till spring comes back.

Clean your main drain lines.
Did you know that grease and oil goes down your home’s drains can cause a clog easier in the winter season? You can prevent clogged drains by having a professional plumbing company clean out greasy debris like cooking oil or liquid fats in your drainlines. Grease solidifies in pipes when the temperature drops, which clogs your pipes. There are some DIY methods to help clear out greasy clogs yourself. To clean your drains, all you need is vinegar or a mix of baking soda, salt, and cream of tartar. When pouring the mixture into each drain, follow it up with some boiling water from a tea kettle or something similar. It can work wonders!

Insulate your pipes. One of the main problems that we get calls on during winter is having frozen pipes. If this happens to you, remember to shut off the water supply and allow a faucet drip to the frozen pipes so there will be water flow and the pipes won’t burst. However, to prevent having frozen pipes, always make sure to insulate your pipes… especially those that are in unheated areas (i.e. attic, garage, crawl spaces, exterior hose connections). Most professional plumbers also recommend that on top of fitting your pipes with foam sleeves or wrapping materials (i.e. insulating tape, blanket, towel, or newspaper), using heat cable makes pipe insulation more effective especially if you have vulnerable pipes that have frozen up in the past.

Make sure that your family members allow 15 minute breaks between showers.
To keep your water heater in the bathroom operating properly during wintertime, give your water heater proper and enough recovery time by setting a 15-minute break between showers especially if you have a lot of guests staying in your home for the holidays.

Open cabinet doors in each bathroom to allow the heated air to warm the pipes.
This will allow warm air to circulate and reach the frozen pipes is to open the cabinet doors in the kitchen. You may also place a blow dryer, fan, or portable heater near cabinet doors to let heat inside the cabinet and warm up the pipes. Also, see to it that your house temperature is not lower than 40 degrees F. This temperature is enough to keep your home warm and cozy while still being able to conserve energy.

Get the help of real professionals in case of emergency plumbing disasters. When worse comes to worst, contact the qualified technicians at Caliente Plumbing Heating & Air to help you address any plumbing problems.
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Keep water running from every valve on a regular basis

Slow water drips serve as pressure relief and a preventive measure against frozen pipes

Shut off the main water valve whenever you need to go somewhere for extended periods of time or leave home on vacation

If you are away from home and you want to prevent the damage caused by frozen pipes from worsening, always keep your main water valve shut off

Get an alert system. During winter, it is best if you can monitor the temperature throughout your home. Alert systems like a wireless temperature sensor or a Wi-Fi thermostat will allow you to control and keep track of your home temperature.

For assistance in protecting your home’s plumbing from freezing in the winter, call the best plumbing company in San Antonio, Caliente Plumbing Heating & Air at 210-330-3000 today!

How To Thaw Your Pipes Graphic

Leave Your Faucets On

Leaving the faucet on will allow for any running water to help melt ice that is inside your pipe. Remember, even cold water will help thaw the ice.

Use a Hair Dryer To Warm Frozen Pipes

Assuming that you still have power, using a hairdryer is a good way to warm up the pipe enough that the ice can melt and water can resume flowing. Start at the faucet and work your way through the pipe.

Use Other Heat Sources

There are a couple of other ways to warm up a pipe. Try using a heating pad, towels soaked in warm water wrapped around the pipe, or adding a heat lamp or space heater to the room where the pipe is located.

Keep The Heat On

Keep using whatever heating methods you can until your water has returned to flowing at its full pressure. If you aren’t able to do so, or can’t find the frozen section, contact your plumbing expert in San Antonio.

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